Ask your average CAD user what his concept of BIM is and you're likely to get a puzzled expression followed by the subject changing. Even full time BIM software operators such as Revit or ArchiCad users often grapple with what BIM actually is, despite the fact that they may be implementing it on a daily basis.
But why this lack of awareness for a concept that's been around since the 1970s?
The potential of BIM for architects, engineers and other professionals should not be underestimated. Every year hundreds of new offices incorporate this software into their practice, with many implementing a complete system overhaul. Yet thousands more choose to remain with antiquated, unintuitive software. Better the devil you know. This disinclination is likely attributed to a barrier to entry and lack of understanding, rather than an active aversion to the system itself.
The competitive advantage provided by 4D modelling is difficult to quantify, though the categories are well known. Speed, accuracy and cost saving are all things we strive for in business. While most business owners understand the eventual benefits to be reaped, they are apprehensive to disrupt office structures with a lengthy adjustment period. Not to mention the sizeable software costs involved. Many senior staff and above simply don't have the time to learn a new menu-based program, and a barrier of understanding may develop where managers don't necessarily comprehend what they are implementing, much less how it is befitting the firm.
Some forward thinking platforms are currently in development, while many have been in place for years. provides an enormous library of 3rd party BIM content at no charge. At our focus is on quality over quantity. We believe that several content-rich and thoroughly revised families are infinitely more valuable than a hundred unreliable items. It is our hope to see BIM brought to every 4D software user in the near future.
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